Socks are an item that we wear every day. They perform various functions to make our lives more comfortable; they not only make a fashion statement, but also protect the skin, warm your feet, absorb moisture and serve as a part of your undergarments. On a cold morning you envelop your feet in the comfort and warmth of socks; your feet are not affected by fatigue after long hours of work. In these ways, a pair of socks can change your day with their added comfort. NISHIGUCHI KUTSUSHITA is committed to making a difference every day by focusing on making your feet comfortable.
・Selecting only high-quality natural materials
・Using weaves with advanced technology that features the quality of materials
・Creating classic and basic designs
We are meticulous about selecting only the finest quality of natural materials because socks come in direct contact with the skin. In pursuit of creating comfortable products we combined traditional ways with advanced technology to create weaves that will fully bring out the features of the materials selected. We have calculated the balance of costs so that high quality socks can be a part of your lifestyle without a high price. Every single person involved in this company thinks about the customer who will be wearing our products and delivers genuine quality without compromise. In our hearts we bear the commitment to follow through with the concept of “hakuhito omoi”.
We go through rigorous processes to perfect all our lines of socks. We continue to work on each product until we get everything right; the materials, weave, design, and cost. For example, the optimal weave of a wool sock would vary depending on the type of thread used. If we think about our customers in snowy countries, we would reach out to them to find out about their lifestyle and produce samples for them to test out. Their feedback is then taken into careful consideration and combined with the quantitative data obtained from laboratories that test the durability of the materials. This is just a glimpse of some of the steps that are taken to perfect our products.
How far should we go with this concept “hakuhito omoi”? To make our products right for our customers it is crucial that everyone who is involved in NISHIGUCHI KUTSUSHITA feels passionate about their role. This passion fuels the drive to achieve the best every day to create the products that will be loved by our customers. We believe that the concept “hakuhito omoi” is firmly rooted in the minds of all our staff and that the products created will truly make a difference in our customer’s day – each day and every day.